Thank you for your interest in our affiliate programme.
We like to keep things as simple as possible so if you are applying to be an affiliate for any one of our websites you will be automatically registered for them all. Our current commission rate is 15% which is paid on the total value of any order received including VAT and P&P. Commissions are paid at the beginning of the month after a 7 week elapsed period from the point at which goods are dispatched. Thus if goods were sent out on 3rd January, 7 weeks elapse to 21st February and payment will be made at the beginning of March (normally on the 1st or 2nd but it depends on business days). If the goods were sent out on 17th January, 7 weeks elapse to 7th March and payment is made at the befinning of April. You will be paid the total eligible balance on your account providing the amount exceeds £5.00. Amounts less than this will always be rolled forward to the following month.
In order to become an affiliate you need to click the ‘Apply Now’ button below. This will transfer you to our page at Mal’s e-commerce which runs our online shops for us. You will need to supply all the information asked for and you will be issued with a unique affiliate number. You can manage most of your affiliate information on the Mal’s e-commerce website and you will be able to keep track of your earnings there. Once you have registered we will decide whether or not to accept you as one of our affiliates. (We accept most applications). You will then receive an email from us which will point you to our available programmes and creatives.
You may not promote any of our programs by spam email (but you can promote using emails to a list of your clients providing you cn prove that they have agreed to accept emails from you), via PPC links which use the title or domain name of any of our websites or misspellings thereof, via PPC ads which link directly to our websites or by the use of websites which purport to be our websites including by websites which have as their URL similar or misspelled versions of our site names or URLs. Any affiliate found doing so will be removed immediately from our programmes and will forfeit any and all commissions earned.
You also agree to supply us with bank details (so we can pay you), details of your VAT status and for us to contact you by email to inform you of any changes to our programmes. At present we can only accept applications for affiliates based within the United Kingdom. We look forward to having you join us and a mutually beneficial relationship.